B Categories Life June 19, 2013 Blog Updates: Failures in Internet Marketing, and (Oh Lord) Twitter As much as I like attention, I am not particularly good at marketing myself. I get nervous and embarrassed touting my own horn in real..
G Categories Life June 17, 2013 Growing Up: The Girl I Used to Be Hey, world! It’s been a while. I finished my first year of college a few weeks ago. Hurrah! To celebrate, I was going to write..
W Categories Life May 3, 2013 Why on Earth Do I Love American Girl Dolls So Much? The year was 2000. I was seven years old and absolutely obsessed with American Girl. American Girl was a cultural phenomenon. Now that the first..
B Categories Life March 23, 2013 Blog Updates: Welcome, New Readers! After posting on my college’s Tumblr tag last night, I got a small influx of new readers. Of course I had a totally normal, proportional..
2 Categories Life February 3, 2013 2012: My Year in Pictures When I was in high school, I had a painful tradition every January of uploading a post to Facebook with all my favorite ‘little moments’..