L Categories Life September 9, 2015 Life Right Now // Limits Three weeks ago, I participated in a tradition at my college and made a wish on a penny. Because I hadn’t cleared out my wallet..
A Categories Life September 3, 2015 August 2015 Blog Report // Behind the Blog This is the third of my monthly blog reports, which shows some insights into what goes on behind-the-scenes here at Sara Laughed! If you’d like..
W Categories Life August 12, 2015 What I’m Not Hey friend. The last few months have been really exciting for me. I finished my year at Oxford, I started a summer job that I..
M Categories Life August 10, 2015 My eBook is Out! If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you know this story already. If not, it goes like this: Years ago, I was an..
D Categories Life August 9, 2015 Defining Your Style (Intentional Closet Part 2) This is the second post in my Intentional Closet series. To see part one and learn more about what an intentional closet is, click here...