It’s seventh week of my second term at Oxford, which means one thing: Spring Break is fast approaching.

The breaks at Oxford are absurdly long. Whereas I get one week off back at my American college, here, “Easter Holiday” lasts six weeks! I feel very lucky, but I’m not one to twiddle my thumbs; so while the domestic students here study for their exams (which I don’t have), I’m coming up with other things to do during my time off.

As of right now, those things are…

1. Refocusing on health //

I did a four-week health program earlier this year with #PSPfit, which I loved. However, the second it ended I got right back to my old flawed habits, and then some. I think my body was in revolt: I constantly craved sweets and all kinds of unhealthy food, and I stopped pushing myself to work out. I take 100% of the responsibility for this, and I’m taking 100% of the responsibility for getting back on track. This spring break, I’m planning to work my way to clean eating, cutting down on sugar, and exercising four times a week.

2. Working on the blog //

I would love to eventually have a queue of posts saved up, so that I’m never left in a bind when it comes to publishing something on time. Over spring break, I’ll work on writing often enough that I have several posts saved for during m third term. I’d also like to figure out how to make better use of social media, so I’ll be working on that as well!


3. Working on my summer commitments //

What? It’s spring break and I’m already working on summer plans? Well, through some hard work and a total accident (by which I mean, I was accepted to both of the opportunities I applied for), this summer is going to be my busiest yet. One of my commitments is teaching a program for three weeks, but I’ll be doing an internship in the month beforehand, meaning I need to plan my teaching curriculum over spring break. It might seem a little insane (and it probably is), but that’s just what I have to do to keep up!

Those are my spring break plans this year. All in all, I’m hoping to use the time to work hard enough that I have less to do in my third term. Do you have any spring break goals? What are your plans?

Sara Laughed

Hey hey! I'm Sara, an American writer living in the Netherlands and working as a product manager.

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